
la garfagnana

Experience an exclusive stay, unique
in a charming historic home in “the sound of silence” .
We will take care of you and we will fulfill your every wish.

now get lost

In this ideal place where
"time does not run" and where you can find harmony and vital balance... this is the ideal starting point to start to discover the territory and live it through unique and exciting experiences

In this ideal place where “time does not run” and where you can find harmony and vital balance...
This is the ideal starting point to discover the territory and live it through unique and exciting experiences.

Walk with the alpacas

A walk (ring of about 1.5km) in the woods of San Romano with friendly companions of adventure: Sammy and Samson. An unusual experience!


For those who love walks in the middle of nature, the Garfagnana offers a remarkable hiking network: from easy routes to more articulated, both on the Apuan Alps and on the Tuscan-Emilian Appennines. If you want an expert guide, we’ll take care of it. 

Visit to the dairy with final tasting

From the “earth” to the “table”. here is how the high quality milk of Garfagnana becomes cheese. A guided tour to one of the most famous and historic Garfagnini dairies with the possibility of final tasting.


For those who love golf can have fun at the Garfagnana Golf Club (Affiliated with the Italian Golf Federation). Surrounded by quiet chestnut woods, you will find a playground, a driving range and a putting green.

Visit to the Verrucole Fortress

A visit to an Estense fortress, which you do not expect ! Because it will be like reliving in that era… and it will be an engaging experience.

Appennino Tosco-Emiliano National Park : Orecchiella Nature Reserve

A nature reserve of 5218 hectares in the heart of the Garfagnana at 1200 meters above sea level. One of the most beautiful natural parks in Tuscany: beech woods, bears, roe deer, golden eagle and the many paths for suggestive walks.


A magnificent mountain pasture in the Apuan Alps at 1000 meters above sea level, with its characteristic “toll booths” is worth a visit . Since 1991 it has become a natural oasis of LIPU (Italian League for Bird Protection).

Lake of Gramolazzo

Among the many lakes of Garfagnana, we mention in particular that of Gramolazzo at the foot of Mount Pisanino and more precisely in the town of Minucciano. Although it was founded around 1950 as a hydroelectric basin it has now become a tourist attraction for the many activities it offers: fishing, bathing, cycling paths by the lake and walks and boat trips.

Grotta del vento

A work of art of nature, an underground treasure in the Apuan Alps. For all that it offers: stalactites, stalagmites, fauna and flora is one of the most important caves in Europe. It can be reached by going down to Gallicano and from there towards Fornovolasco.


About an hour by car, through the panoramic road of Arni you descend from the mountains to the sea… you arrive on the Versilia coast: Viareggio, Forte dei Marmi, Marina di Pietrasanta deserve a stop.

Lucca, Pisa and Firenze

And for those who love the city of art, from the railway station of Camporgiano with just over an hour of travel you can reach these beautiful cities. Lucca, the closest, famous for its walls, the “buccellato” and “the cake with its beaks”; Pisa known for the leaning tower and the historic university; finally Florence, capital of the region and pearl of the Italian Renaissance.

Mountain Bike – E-bike

For lovers of bicycles the Garfagnana offers many opportunities for hiking on trails and dirt roads. For the great itineraries you can use the transport service of the trains of Lucca-Aulla. You can rent both mountain bikes and professional e-bikes, with or without a guide (also in language).

The Historic Trails

Camporgiano and its fortress are touched by several historical paths: the Via del Volto Santo that from Pontremoli, to Camporgiano and Garfagnana, leads to Lucca, where the Holy Face is exposed in the Cathedral. The same route is part of the Way of the Paths of Saint Michael the Archangel that from Ireland arrives in the Holy Land passing through Garfagnana and Camporgiano. We also have the Via Vandelli, from Modena to Massa. Both streets, of the Volto Santo and Vandelli, allow you to experience the adrenaline emotion of passing on the very high railway bridge of Villetta-Poggio di Camporgiano”. 

Lucca, Pisa e Firenze

E per chi ama la città d’arte, dalla stazione FS di Camporgiano con poco più di un’ora di viaggio si raggiungono queste bellissime città. Lucca , la più vicina, famosa per le sue mura, il “buccellato” e “la torta coi becchi”; Pisa conosciuta per la torre pendente e per la storica università; infine Firenze, capoluogo di regione e perla del rinascimento italiano .

Mountain Bike – E-bike

Mountain Bike – E-bike –
Per gli appassionati di biciclette la Garfagnana offre numerose possibilità di escursioni su sentieri e strade sterrate .Per i grandi itinerari ci si può avvalere del servizio di trasporto dei treni della Lucca-Aulla .
E’ possibile noleggiare sia mountain bike che e-bike professionali, con o senza guida (anche in lingua) .